| 1. | The meeting ended with calls for the doha round of world trade talks to start again 会议在呼吁重启世贸组织多哈回合谈判中结束。 |
| 2. | The meeting ended with calls for the doha round of world trade talks to start again 本次会议以呼吁此轮多哈世贸谈话重开而告终。 |
| 3. | The meeting ended with calls for the doha round of world trade talks to start again 会议最终以呼唤多哈回合世界贸易谈判重新启动而结束。 |
| 4. | He helped launch the doha round of world trade talks which were suspended last july 他帮助一起发起了多哈世贸会谈,此轮会谈于去年7月暂停。 |
| 5. | They said the best ways to continue growth is to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们说保持发展的最好办法就是节约能源和重启世贸谈判。 |
| 6. | They said the best ways to continue growth is to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们说最好的方法让经济持续增长是节省能源和重开世贸谈判。 |
| 7. | They said the best ways to continue growth is to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们表示,让增长持续的最好方法就是节约能源和重开世贸会谈。 |
| 8. | They said the best ways to continue growth is to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们说保持经济持续发展的办法是节约能源和重启世界贸易对话。 |
| 9. | They said the best ways to continue growth is to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们认为节约能源,重开世贸对谈是维持经济持续增长的最好方式。 |
| 10. | They said the best ways to continue growth are to save energy and to restart world trade talks 他们说要继续增长的最好方法是保护能源和重新开始世界贸易谈话。 |